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Integrative Medicine
As a part of your acupuncture program, we harness the power of ancient and cutting-edge technology to help you find true wellness.

Holistic Is How We Do It
Acupuncture Injection Therapy
AcuPoint Injection Therapy (APIT) is a hybrid East meets West practice where we inject vitamin, homeopathic, and/or herbal fusions into specific acupuncture points. APIT is useful for pain management, fertility, balancing hormones, and reducing inflammation.

ATP Resonance BioTherapy™
Medical Ozone Therapy
Medical Ozone Therapy is a noninvasive treatment that is clinically-proven to decrease oxidative stress and support mitochondrial activity—the process that gives you energy and helps your body recover! We use this therapy for brain fog, fatigue, headaches, sinus congestion, seasonal allergies, Meniere’s Disease, ear infections, and chronic inflammation. It can be used as part of a comprehensive treatment strategy for wound healing, too. Ozone can also be used in the treatment of women’s health conditions, like endometriosis and fibroids, and digestive issues, like IBS/IBD, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn’s disease.

Basal Body Temperature (BBT) Analysis
BBT is your baseline body temperature the moment you wake after a good night’s sleep. It’s used to track ovulation and help with natural family planning. In our clinic, we use BBT analysis to track your ovulation and monitor your hormone balance throughout your follicular and luteal cycles. We correct any irregularities with a prescription of acupuncture, herbs, and supplements. Quite often, we uncover deeper issues, like thyroid conditions, and may recommend bloodwork to gain a deeper understanding of your condition.
Nutrition & Lifestyle Therapy
You are what you eat. Nutrition plays a large role in the overall function of your body. We help guide patients in the kitchen and in their daily lives to attain optimal health and wellness.
Pharmaceutical Grade Supplements
Nature has supplied us with so many powerful and effective tools for our health and wellness. While we believe food is the best medicine, our bodies often need a little push from an outside source. We use only the highest quality supplements to restore what your body needs to perform at its best. We specifically review all supplements and make detailed recommendations to those enrolled in our fertility program. Need a recommendation or a refill? Visit our Fullscript Pharmacy for all of the latest and greatest supplements that are tried and true in our clinic.
Lab Testing
In many cases, our findings reveal deeper issues. To get to the bottom of your case and leave no stone unturned, we often recommend specific lab tests or bloodwork to gain a clear understanding of your body. These tests range from a full thyroid panel to hormone testing to gut testing. We take a functional approach as part of our East meets West integrative strategy.
We Support Your Whole Being
At Charm City Healing, we offer an approach to healing that is patient-centered –No two programs are exactly alike. When combining acupuncture, Chinese herbs, and integrative therapies, our patients see incredible results, from reduced pain to regulated hormones and menstrual cycles to getting and staying pregnant.
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Charm City Healing Acupuncture & Wellness
921 E Fort Ave, Suite 109
Baltimore, MD 21230
Patient Portal
Phone: 443-500-4300
Fax: 443-687-8746
Monday–Friday by appointment only